Larry Weese, Co-Founder
January 9, 1945 – October 5, 2019
Mr. Weese had 30 years of real estate experience in acquisition, leasing, entitlement, and disposition of shopping centers. Mr. Weese had been responsible for billions of dollars in commercial real estate with an emphasis on redevelopment projects and value-added opportunities. He had worked extensively with redevelopment agencies creating public-private partnerships. Throughout his career, Mr. Weese had become an expert at sizing up properties and markets, negotiating contracts, and directing due diligence to identify value enhancements. Mr. Weese attended Northwestern University and the Kellogg Graduate School of Management. He was a member of ICSC, ULI and NAIOP and was a board member of Goodwill of Orange County.
Citivest Commercial Investments, LLC
4350 Von Karman Ave., Suite 200
Newport Beach ∙ CA 92660 ∙ (949) 474-0440
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